Jamal ud-Deen Hysaw, Ex-Christian, USA
Description: In this video Jamal ud-Deen Hysaw shares his story about how he accepted Islam. He, like many other new Muslims, decided to accept Islam upon reading the autobiography of Malcom X.
- By Jamal ud-Deen Hysaw
- Published on 29 Sep 2014
- Viewed: 10,150 (daily average: 3)
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Key Points of This Video
00:00How I became interested in IslamMalcom X and the nation of Islam
04:00Getting connected with my Christian rootsQuestioning Christian theology at the age of 9Meeting Muslims
11:59Listening to different rappers who spoke about IslamReading the passages about Jesus in the Quran
15:30Gospel of BarnabasVisiting a Muslim brother for the first timeMuslim hospitality versus America hospitality
19:20Cultural diversity in IslamAmerican women wearing Hijab
23:10The aftermath of accepting IslamMoving to Syria to study Islam
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