A look into the claim that the Quran, Islam and thus Muslims are anti-Semitic. Part 1: The designation of the Semitic race and the favorable position of the Jews with God.
Both classical and modern-day Judaism gives precedence to the Talmud more than the Torah and other books of the Old Testament. The article establishes the central role and authority of Talmud from standard Jewish and secular sources.
By IslamReligion.com
Published on 01 May 2006
Last modified on 16 Oct 2011
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What is the Jewish Talmud? How many versions of Talmud are there? Who wrote the Talmud? The article answers these questions in light of Jewish and secular scholarship.
Adapted from Dr. Lawrence
Brown’s two articles on the Dead Sea Scrolls, ‘Five Reasons to Get Excited
about the Dead Sea Scrolls’ and ‘Five More Reasons to Get Excited about the
Dead Sea Scrolls’, where he mentions intriguing and fascinating points about
these scrolls.
By Laurence B. Brown, MD
Published on 17 Feb 2014
Last modified on 07 Apr 2019
Viewed: 32,952 (daily average: )
Rating: 3.4 out of 5
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Ten easy to understand points on the dead sea scrolls
from their ancient history to their impact on world politics.
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